What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped cap that is placed and cemented over an existing tooth so as to restore its shape, size, strength and improve its appearance.

Dental Crowns

Why do we need a dental crown?

We need a dental crown under following circumstances:

  • Cover and support a tooth when there isn’t enough tooth left.
  • Protect a weak tooth from breaking down or to hold parts of a fractured tooth.
  • Hold a dental bridge in place.
  • To cover a poorly shaped or severely discolored tooth.
  • Cover a dental implant.
  • To cover a tooth that has had root canal treatment done.

What are dental crowns made of?

Crowns are made of:
Stainless Steel – These are prefabricated crowns used on permanent teeth primarily as a temporary measure to protect the tooth or filling.
In children, it is used to fit over a damaged primary tooth to protect it from further decay.
Metals – Such as gold alloy, palladium, or a base-metal alloy (nickel or chromium). Metal crowns last the longest and rarely chip or break. The metallic color is the main drawback. Metal crowns are a good choice for out-of-sight molars.
Porcelain fused to metal – Dental crowns of such type can be color matched to the adjacent teeth.
All-resin – These type of dental crowns are less expensive than other crown types. However, they are more prone to fractures than porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
All-ceramic –All ceramic crowns are a good choice for front teeth as they provide better natural color match than other crown type.
All-porcelain – Like ceramic these type of dental crowns also provide better natural color match than other crown type.
Zirconia or milled crown – Digitally constructed using special software and hardware.

How long do dental crowns last?

Dental crowns last anywhere between 5 and 15 years depending on personal oral hygiene practice and mouth-related habits (such as grinding or clenching teeth, biting fingernails, using teeth to open packaging, etc).

What problems could develop due to dental crowns?

Discomfort or Sensitivity-There may be temporary sensitivity to heat and cold for which the dentist may recommend toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. Pain or sensitivity that occurs when you bite down usually means that the crown is too high on the tooth. In that case a visit to the dentist can easily fix the problem.
Chipped Crown- Crowns made of all porcelain can sometimes chip. If the chip is small, a composite resin can be used to repair the chip. If the chipping is extensive, the crown may need to be replaced.
Loose Crown- Sometimes the cement washes out from under the crown. Not only does this allow the crown to become loose, it allows bacteria to leak in and cause decay to the tooth that remains. If a crown feels loose, contact your dentist’s office.
Crown Falling Off- Sometimes crowns fall off. Usually this is due to an improper fit, a lack of cement, or a very small amount of tooth structure remaining that the crown can hold on to. Contact your dentist’s office immediately.
Allergic Reaction- Because the metals used to make crowns are usually a mixture of metals, an allergic reaction to the metals or porcelain used in crowns can occur, but this is extremely rare.
Dark Line on Crowned Tooth next to Gum Line – A dark line next to the gum line of your crowned tooth is normal, particularly if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. This dark line is simply the metal of the crown showing through. While not a problem in itself, the dark line is cosmetically unacceptable and your dentist may have to replace the crown.

FAQs on dental crowns

Which doctor should I consult for dental crowns in Siliguri?

If you want to make your dental crowns in Siliguri, you need to consult a dentist.

Which dentist will make my dental crowns at Dr Agarwal’s Clinic?

Dr Shikha Agarwal, among the top dentist in Siliguri, will make your dental crowns.

What are the timings of Dr Shikha Agarwal?

Timings of Dr Shikha Agarwal is as below:
 10:00 am to 1:00 pm ( Monday to Saturday)
 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm ( Monday to Saturday)

Do I need to book an appointment to consult Dr Shikha Agarwal?

Yes, it is recommended that you book an appointment before you consult Dr Shikha Agarwal.

How do I book an appointment with Dr Shikha Agarwal?

To book an appointment with Dr Shikha Agarwal please call the reception desk at 9832229559 or 9547612556. For more details visit this link – book an appointment with Dr Shikha Agarwal